joi, 21 mai 2020

The magical healing rays, chapter 1 & 2

The magical healing rays
Chapter 1 & 2


“The ultimate guide to heal yourself and your loved ones
using universal energy!”


·         Welcome to the magical world of healing rays!
Chapter 1: The revelation of the magical healing rays
·         My friend Newton and the great ocean of truth
·         To move forward, regardless of the obstacles
·         The healing rays revelation
Chapter 2: Solar brain intelligence
·         Imagination
·         Mental intention
·         The solar plexus, the solar mind
·         Snow - White and the healing rays
Chapter 3: Essential anatomical elements
·         The sphenoid bone and dura mater membrane
·         Connective tissue (fascia)
·         Collagen, the required glue
Chapter 4: Attraction and modelling of healing rays
·         The enchanted healing rays carpet
·         SOLMINART meditation - exercise for attracting healing rays
·         Modeling the healing rays
o   The magical rays sphere
o   The canvas of rays
o   Healing rays fascicles
o   Magical healing rays ribbon
·         Restart and from the beginning
·         More mobile, healthier!
Chapter 5: Healing the physical body with magical rays
·         The self-treatment protocol
Chapter 6: Emotional release techniques with magical healing rays
·         The pilot of the Sphenoid
·         Relaxation and energy regeneration
Chapter 7: Remodelling and body maintenance with healing rays
·         Anti-cellulite treatments with healing rays
·         Rejuvenation treatments with magical rays
·         Once it has begun, it will never end!


“Man is healer to man!”
Horațiu Flaviu

Even if it is well hidden in the deepest and most distant corners of your being, you experience from time to time moments when your conscience tells you with complete conviction that you have the formula of healing and that you can use it at any time for your superior well-being or your loved ones. The healing formula exists and is in you, in me, in each one of us. This status of “healer” is permanently present and can be activated, at different times and situations of life, if you strongly desire this. It is simple to do, does not require fantastic physical or mental efforts and once you understand how it is happening, you are ready in any situation to put yourself in the service of the energy carried out by the healing rays and use it for your highest good or of the people who are dear to you.
Do not assume that this is a unique recipe or a mathematical formula to apply depending on the different situations that may arise, as it does not come in the form of an access key to the deepest abscesses of your subconscious. In no case is it a formula like those spoken by the wizards from ancient times. It is nothing of this sort.
The therapeutic experience that it was allowed to me up to this date has made me sufficiently understand how the human body reacts when it is determined to connect to the universal energy source. When you are a therapist of manual energy medicine, in the service of healing magical rays, you gently touch the person with your palms, the man who asks for your help and you are together in a kind of “cosmic energy dance”...for a few minutes, that perfect resonance is created, which is meant to gently project you, both yourself and the patient, into an indefinite space and time.
You live in the awareness that the therapy session will work perfectly, that the entire therapeutic arsenal that is needed will be involved in the healing process. It is a unique feeling, an uplifting feeling, full of peace and gratitude, which gives you confidence, beyond reason, that nothing unnatural can happen and that, through the harmony that has been created between your vibration, the patient's and the vibration of that indefinite, cosmic space, you managed to “put time on hold” for a while.
In this row of "suspended moments” the transformation takes place. Now the healing really begins, and you, in your new capacity as a healer of magical healing rays, live the joy of being welcomed into the universal energy space, a space where you feel at home, where you have the unique opportunity to become the healer who you were meant to be. As surprising as it may seem, in each of us latently lies this ability to attract and model the healing rays and to transmit them, with all the benefits it entails, to persons or even to life situations that we want to be healed.
Although it is different from one man to another, by the way it manifests itself in the healing process, the activation of healing rays occurs due to the same factors: the divine spark in us, the imagination, our mental intention and the love for the people around us.
If you now want to have the image of the healing rays, then bring before the eyes of your mind the image of the sea waves, of a lake or a river, the waving and golden shining, in bright sunshine, while lying peacefully on the shore. Thousands of tiny rays of light play and sprout from this perfect fabric created by waves in their ripple motion. You now have both the metaphorical image of the rays and the image of the canvas of light, a canvas created from these magical healing rays.
Have you ever wondered what lies beyond the air you take away with your hands? The reasoning accompanied by the five well-rooted senses will tell you that it is and cannot be anything but air. However, when we split the atmosphere in a certain way, beyond the air curtain, a veil of pure universal energy is left, and in the palms the healing rays are sprinkled with love. A number of questions will try to conquer you: How will I achieve this? Is it that simple? Why didn't I know until now? What good is this energy, what are these magical rays? How will I do this? The first thing I recommend to those wishing to enter into a friendship with the healing magical rays is the instantaneous dismissal of these questions. At the rational level these are natural questions, but at this moment they have no meaning! It is important to tell you from the outset, that the attraction and practical use of healing magical rays does not involve any kind of tuning or initiation ritual from other people or masters of the various therapeutic arts, as it does not involve the use or visualization of any symbols. None of this. It will only be you with your inner power, the healer within you that you will be able to release with the attraction of these wonderful rays. In the second part of the book, I have prepared a self-treatment protocol (21 treatment positions), which is also valid as an alternative treatment scheme for other people, so that you and your loved ones can enjoy a optimal condition in terms of physical health and mental-emotional balance.
I will guide you step by step, in the following, through the magical world of healing rays and I will show you some essential energy techniques for relaxation, personal transformation, physical and emotional healing, remodelling and body maintenance, techniques that you can use towards your own or your loved ones' benefit, both for therapeutic and aesthetic purposes.
Are you following me? Please come, I invite you dearly! Let's start!



Only those who can see what is invisible, can achieve the impossible!
Patrick Snow


Everything is interconnected at the level of the tiniest detail. Nowadays, this idea is the basis of most techniques in the field of energy therapies, complementary and alternative.
Quantum physics has taken important steps in explaining how we relate to one another and to the entire creation from an energy point of view. Basically, the mathematical demonstration of what was stated thousands of years ago in various legends, myths, religions of mysteries or other sacred texts belonging to different cultures from different geographical areas around the globe is being tried.
The rational mind, located in the left hemisphere of the brain, will have serious doubts about this universal connection and will make huge efforts to understand your relationship with the grass, the birds of the sky, the desert sand, the waters of the seas and oceans and more importantly, with the ones around you. We are rationally aware only of the relationships we maintain with our very close ones, with family, friends, with those we share working hours with, with our pets and possibly with some house plants or with the five or six fruit or ornamental trees in the yard of the house. Although we show a lot of love and affection towards our loved ones (whether they are with us or because, for various reasons, apparently incomprehensible, they are in totally different life situations from the ones we live in), however, most of our relationships are kept apart and unfold only under a strictly “technical” aspect.
If you too are among those who are trying to rationally explain these invisible connections that underlie all universal creation, you are hereby notified that you are on a slippery and difficult path, if not quite wrong. Obviously, you will tell me that this was how you were raised and educated within the family and at school, to doubt and think the logical thread of the sequence of phenomena, so that you would receive answers that would give you safety and comfort, and then experience the satisfaction that you have learned the truth and that you will spend your life according to this discovery.
We are taught, from childhood and then in almost all of our youth, both at home within the family and at school, that the real success is based on training and specialization in a narrow field, to look at life as a logical thread that blurs between a few personal interests (social position, fame, financial situation as high as possible) after a flat geometric figure, possibly a square (not that I would have anything against this famous geometric figure) as smallest and colourless as possible... meanwhile the Universe opens freely, following a much more free and dynamic scheme, much more “without corners”.
Nothing new under the sun! I myself, tributary of this Cartesian property of the rational mind, after two years of study at a polytechnic faculty, I went to study sociology, a science that I considered to generate answers to many of the questions that troubled my existence at that time. I thought then that the socio-psycho-pedagogical studies in which I specialized will have the gift to illuminate my path and that I will be the owner of some real successful recipes regarding my future career and relationships.
However, the period that followed showed me that almost none of these recipes matched the challenges I was subjected to. Scientific explanations, no matter whether they came from the field of sociology, psychology or other branches derived from them, had the gift of soothing my spiritual disorders to the same extent that they are capable of explaining the science of biology to answer a three-year-old child who asks for the first time in his life: “why do the leaves fall?”
Neither I, nor you are alone in this circle of challenges of all kinds, in the desire to receive answers to the questions that follow our existence step by step.
Shortly before his death, Sir Isaac Newton (1643-1727) said the following words: “I do not know how I look like in front of the world, but it seems to me that I am a boy playing on the seashore and having fun while searching from time to time for more colourful pebbles than usual or a red shell, while the great ocean of truth stretches out in front of me!”
Imagine now that you are in the more than honourable company of Newton boy and that you help him discover red shells or colored pebbles. You will thus ensure a bright future, in the applause of the other participants in the “play” on the shore, you will surround yourself by other pebble seekers, and in your moments of pause, you will experience together the happiness of discovering that some pebbles are more colorful than others and some of the shells have a red color, feeling that you are part of an elite that knows all about it and you will try to impose on the society the laws you have just formulated about the importance of shore consolidation, in defence of your great discoveries.
Our current society has so deepened its conviction that it has everything under control, that it no longer has eyes to even see the sea, so how can we expect them to hear the call and live the joy of probing the “great ocean of truth” that lies ahead. The valves have closed themselves, the sound of the waves is no longer perceived as a call to knowledge, but only as a good opportunity for fun in the moments of fatigue that naturally occur as a result of regular searches of the answer to the eternal question “why?”.
But what if in the middle of this great ocean there are islands where people rule their lives under much broader laws, people who have long known about the existence of colored pebbles and shells, who know why it is so and especially, fully understand the relationships they have with everything that exists both on the shore and in the ocean?
I have the belief that Newton, if he had this revelation much earlier, would have abandoned himself to the call of the “great ocean of truth” and would have discovered many other laws of universal essence, laws that would further help the course of mankind towards self-discovery.
But let us give Caesar what is Caesar's! According to the general belief, neither until Newton nor after him was there such a prominent scientific personality that would have had so many discoveries over a lifetime of research. We can even assert, without fail, that we owe this man the knowledge and understanding of most of the tools that are useful in shaping the reality we perceive with our five senses. That is why, in order to return in a small way the favour, I invite you to do what he did not manage to do: to get used to probing daily, however little, this great ocean of universal truths and to discover the meaning of the phenomena that now appear to us at least strange, an understanding that takes us beyond the sad threshold of self-sufficiency and shows us the joy of living in health, harmony and balance, deprived and cleansed of the depth of self-induced or induced limiting beliefs by a society far too old and tired of so many trials devoid of substance and spiritual background.


One evening, I was passing by a playground set up in the city where I had just finished to teach a personal development seminar based on the principles of the healing rays. My thoughts flew to my dear ones who were waiting for me with love at home, as always. I could hear the voices of children still playing in the park. They were certainly the last rounds of play that day, because the parents were already waiting for them at the edge of the park, ready to call them and drive together to their homes. In those moments, when I heard the parents shouting for their children and announcing that they must finish the play, I saw the images that brought me the revelation that nothing we want can be stopped or broken, as long as our intentions are grafted onto fiery dreams and well-rooted beneficial desires.
Although some of the little children had already made their way to the edge of the park, visibly upset that the play day was coming to an end, however, as though they were being led by a loud, unseen call, they suddenly returned from their walk, joined the other children and then, all in one voice, said, “Let's sing it again!” In the minutes that followed, there was a song that seemed to stir the universes, to bring down all the worries of the worldly day and, above all, printed an infinite confidence and hope for the life to come. The children clapped their hands and as they began to swing in a circle, they sang: “The stone bridge crumbled / Water came and took it away / We will make another one down the river / Another one stronger and more beautiful". I sat on one of the park's benches and watched the children, listening to their song, I had the feeling that the whole time was suspended in a single moment of grace. In that perfect moment created by their dance and song full of energy and positivity.
I also remembered this song, it was there inside me, locked and dusted in the depths of my memory. I used to sing it as a child, generations of children sang it in a row, and as I saw, it is sung even today. In that suspended time, my inner child began murmuring passages from this song, joining virtually, but honestly and somewhat actively, the group of children in the park.
I also invite you, now, as you read these lines, to join in and participate with an open and joyful heart, at the dance and song that confirms to the Universe once again that, no matter what happens, we will do so in order to regain our balance and appetite for life, that our intentions are good and fair and that we will each time succeed in creating a bridge to our bright future, a much stronger and more beautiful bridge: a bridge created from healing magical rays!


The fact that I received the magical healing rays as a gift, does not mean that I invented them or discovered them after special and long-lasting cognitive efforts. Everything just happened in a moment, as if by a miracle. When they first showed up, they came to heal Ioana's migraines, my wife. The migraine is a condition characterized by recurrent headaches, moderate to severe intensity, often associated with symptoms of the autonomic nervous system. Typical for migraines is the fact that they are unilateral, affecting only half of the head, have a pulsate character, lasting between two hours and four to five days. The term comes from the Greek language, from the words 'hemi' (half) and 'kranion' (skull). Migraines are often accompanied by nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to light and sounds. Although the triggers of migraine are not yet understood, they can be frequently caused by changes in the brain-stem and the way it interacts with the trigeminal nerve. Serotonin levels, which should help regulate pain within the nervous system, decrease during migraine attacks, leading to severe headaches. The intensity of the pain my wife was experiencing was maximum, and the frequency was about two to three migraine attacks a month, with a period of three to four days per episode. We were on a day of 2007's winter and it had been almost a year since this state had been installed.
Then, at a time when my sorrow and misunderstanding towards my wife's major discomforts, caused by the headaches that multiplied and worsened while time passed, I instinctively raised my right hand to the sky and uttered with all conviction: I cure you now! I immediately felt as it came, seemingly from nowhere, a sort of rare fabric of some very fine, thin yarns, a fabric that I felt cold as ice, waving, fluttering in my palm. It seemed to me that it resembled a grid made of silk yarn, a grid the size of my palm and that the threads that compose it run both longitudinally and transversely over the palm.
Moreover, I had a clear feeling that this grid was traversed also vertically, by each knot, of other equally fine fibbers, which I felt waving through the inside of my palm, passing about two or three centimeters beyond the back of the palm. It was as if my palm had been completely wrapped in this cold grill composed of rays. I turned my hand to Ioana's forehead and as I approached a distance of fifteen to twenty centimeters, Ioana pulled her head in the back, telling me surprised: “It feels like a thousand of cold needles entered my head”. I had little intention of causing her other pain besides the terrible headaches she was experiencing. She told me it wasn't painful at all, it was just a feeling of cold accompanied by the sensation of that crowd of tiny needles that ran through her entire head area from forehead to nape, sensations that suddenly disappeared after I withdrew my palm from her face. In the next few minutes, visibly amazed and trembling because of a deep emotion that had settled in my body, I saw Ioana smiling and, as from somewhere in the distance, I managed to hear her telling me that the heat pain decreased in intensity.
Ioana spent the next few minutes assessing her condition, pressing certain points on the forehead and in the temples area, areas that were extremely painful during the migraine crises. For me, everything was going extremely fast, I was in a state similar to the hypnotic trance. I was standing and I was thinking of nothing, I just felt a strong call to raise my hands again to the sky. I spotted Ioana walking out of the room, closing the door behind her.
I sat on a chair in the room and instinctively put my hands together, as if in a prayer position, right next to my heart, then with a slow motion I raised them to my forehead and closed my eyes. In the next few moments I pushed my hands up about five to ten centimeters above the top of my head. The palms were still clasped as if they were the tip of an arrow. In the next moment I was inspired to open the palms and remove them from each other.
This movement resembled the opening of a curtain on a theatre stage or the movement you make when you remove the curtains from the window, so that the light enters the room.      As I was doing this I had a clear perception of the fact that I split the air and that I really feel it unfolding easily to the left and right, and between my arms a cold energy field settles across my head, chest, arms and palms.
Cold rays swept through all these areas of my body. The palms were placed parallel at a distance of about twenty to thirty centimeters from one another. I opened my eyes, brought my hands down near the body to the level where the arms were parallel to the ground and started playing. I imagined sending rays from the fingertips from the right palm to the other palm. I immediately felt them flutter over my left palm, then mentally intended these rays to 'draw' up a spiral on their way to the other palm and for this purpose I made a few circles with very slow movements.
Almost instantly my left palm received these rays recognizing the circle pattern that I drew a few seconds earlier with my right fingers. Whatever form I drew, its pattern felt immediately in my left palm. I tried to do all these “games” starting from left to right. It was the same. Basically, from every hand I could easily send rays to different areas of my body. I then sent a bundle of rays from each palm so that these rays would merge with each other. When they met, they created between my palms a sphere to which I could perceive the edges made of a very fine membrane. Although invisible, it was clearer than daylight that this cold ball was between my palms and that other rays were radiating from it.
I closed my eyes again. At that moment the clear picture of what was happening was revealed to my mind's eyes.
Everything was wrapped in an intense golden-crystalline light and everywhere I looked, everything was beamed with colossal rays. Rather, they resembled huge ribbons of light that crossed the Universe in all directions. Some were lost in the depths of the Earth, others went up and disappeared in the height of space, others waved smoothly over the flat space, melting along the horizon line. At each intersection of rays there was a crystalline sphere having the colour of the bright sun. All these spheres were pulsing at the same rate, printing the rays that were leaving from it a rippled motion, like the waves of a quiet ocean. I knew somehow inside of me that this whole network of rays and spheres has a perfectly round shape, describing a huge sphere that envelops everything in the universe and beyond.            
Moreover, at the center of this huge sphere was a round, golden heart, of gigantic proportions, which pulsed at the same rate, generating everything I described. Basically, nothing that exists does not remain unaffected by this perfect light and everything pulses and wobbles as if all creation was breathing at the same rate.
I turned my attention to my own person. I no longer had a physical body as I knew it. At least not there. I was part of one of the strips of rays, waving at the same pace as everything I saw. I was aware that my anatomical structures melted and took the form of a piece of cloth woven from rays, moulded perfectly over the ribbon of light that crossed me, in fact, I was fully integrated into this ribbon. I wanted to see more, to understand (whatever that kind of understanding was) what was inside this ribbon of rays where I had just melted. I turned my inner attention to my physical body, as I knew it, with the intention of feeling something, anything. In the next moment, I was absorbed inside this huge ribbon of light. It seemed that some kind of niche had been specially opened for this “attraction” and in the next second I was inside another sphere of light, a sphere in which the ribbons of light were shining in all the colors of the rainbow.
From place to place, these colors were mixed in tones and shades as you rarely see in the real world. I knew deep down in my soul that I was in the personal sphere, a sphere destined only for me, in what I felt that plenary represents the “present” moment of my life. In those moments of grace I experienced the feeling of perfect balance and a state of total love and peace, the feeling that, for a moment as eternity, I arrived “home”. That was undoubtedly my home, the home of my soul. I was vibrating along with everything I saw there and it was impossible for me to say that I was in a precise point in the sphere, I was absolutely everywhere. The interior resembles the gigantic sphere I have already described, with the difference that it was somewhat bordered, although the ribbons that started from the center of the sphere, where also a round heart having the color of the golden shining sun, were flowing beyond the transparent wall of the sphere, joining with the ribbon “mother” of which I was a part of. This made the personal sphere connected to all the huge gear. Due to this transparency property, I realized that billions of spheres were pulsating around me, just in the mother ribbon where I was. The same thing happened everywhere. My consciousness gave me a sign at that moment that in the ”central” sphere is everything that had ever existed or ever existed. In reality, I had my eyes closed, but there, in my personal sphere, I was looking at unsuspecting beauties until then, unmatched colors and streams of light that flowed over the ribbons. I looked with my mind's eye into the sphere, at the huge ball in its center. A powerful golden light, in the form of a fascicle, left the center of the sphere directly towards me and penetrated my whole body. I felt cell by cell as my entire physical body was effectively flooded by this golden light. Normally, when the sun is in zenith and its rays hit your eyes, the instinct quickly dictates to close them. This time it was the other way around. The strong light from the center of the sphere, from the round heart of this giant sphere, struck me in the center of the forehead. I was forced to open my eyes. Although in the following seconds the images disappeared, I was left with the feeling of universal perfection installed at the cellular level. Even if in the physical plan nothing was seen of all that I shared with you, I was convinced that, no matter how small we seemed, we, the beings, are part, together with all creation, of what I was inspired to call “the sphere of total unity – STU”.
After a few minutes where I “reset” my earthly roots, I went to my wife's room and asked her how she felt. She told me that she feels a little better, that she still feels pain in the head area, but that it is bearable. I asked her to sit on a chair, because I was going to present to her another “magical treatment”. I began moving my palms around her head, as if I wanted to arrange her hair. I sent rays through the temples, then from the forehead to the nape, drawing in the air spirals, above her tip of the head and launching beams of rays into the cervical area of ​​her spine. During these movements I had the feeling that my hands would sometimes pass through areas with denser air as if I had encountered a fluid, but slightly gelatinous structure. If I insisted for five to ten movements on such an area, the air became fluid, clearer. I did all these movements of the palms around her head for about five minutes, then I heard Ioana tells me that she feels a cold chill all over her body, but without feeling cold, as you feel when you are outside for a long time, in the winter. Then I stopped the “treatment” and asked her to tell me if her head still hurts. She told me that during the treatment she felt cold waves of energy running through her head and body, that she had not experienced the sensation of the needles since the first attempt and that all the pain disappeared as by a miracle. I spent the rest of the day telling her everything I told you so far.
I was extremely pleased with this discovery and the wonderful effects of the healing rays that I still felt waving through us and around us. Although in the period that followed I did not hear my wife accusing any headache, after about a month, I asked her if she had at least a slight feeling of discomfort, tightness or dizziness. The response I received was astonishing: “What are you asking me...what pain...what discomfort?” The healing rays “shattered” even the memory of migraines that had appeared almost a year ago!
The period that followed was characterized by a lot of work in the company we owned, we were both consultants specialized in quality, environment and food safety management systems, according to the standards promoted by the International Standard Organization. We visited factories and enterprises, offering consulting and management courses for the profile industry. However, somewhere in the depths of my mind and heart were the questions about the miraculous appearance of healing rays, how they showed their therapeutic strength and valence. From time to time, I offered our friends or clients who were in various states of suffering, healing treatments, helping them to more easily get rid of headaches, back, arms or knees pain. I was happy every time I encountered such opportunities to remember this huge gift I received: magical healing rays. I started reading self-developing books and alternative therapies and looking for answers to questions that crossed my mind: what are these rays, how do they operate, how can we all use them, for our own good and our loved ones? In 2010, I met a reiki master, I showed him what I can do with “my rays” and the master proposed to introduce me to the traditional therapeutic technique Reiki Usui.
I benefited from the necessary tunings, through the traditional initiation ritual and from that moment I was able to use the reiki technique for energy transmissions. I realized right away that what I knew to do with the healing rays is completely different from what spiritual art reiki offers, even though it is a therapy that I love and I'm specialized in, becoming pretty initiated quickly into my master-teacher degree. I set up a small complementary and alternative therapies office in which I operated in parallel with the management consulting firm. Little by little, I learned  my love for what I was doing in the office and I continued to study alternative therapies. I was already a therapist of manual energy medicine and a traditional reiki teacher. However, the trip did not stop there, I later learned about craniosacral therapy, becoming a graduate therapist at Upledger International Institute in the U.S. Craniosacral therapy has taught me to look at the human in terms of fascial movements, the movement of the bone system and any restrictions that may occur in the dynamics of cerebra-spinal fluid.
Obviously, not even craniosacral therapy was the answer sought at the time towards the healing magical rays. However, I was understanding more and more about the way the body-mind-soul triad behaves when it is connected to the universal energy. Since 2014, I decided to dedicate all my time to the alternative therapeutic study and to therapeutic activities from the complementary and alternative medicine practice. I was a “full time” therapist. I added to my studies techniques of neuro-linguistic programming and life-coaching, later becoming a NLP master-practitioner, then I learned techniques of emotional release and radionic techniques (the art of transmitting positive influences on life situations). The therapeutic board was completing with each passing day, and the treatments I practiced at the office had an increasing success rate. However, I do not think there was any treatment that could have been done without the exceptional contribution of the magical healing rays therapy. Throughout this period of study and daily practice, I have continued to seek to understand how this gift of rays works and especially how others can benefit from this wonderful gift.
So as it seems, it took almost eleven years of practical work, meditations and study, in order to find out in 2018 how you can benefit from the wonderful effects of magical healing rays. I developed the working technique and the self-treatment protocol, as well as the treatment protocol of other people, so that everyone who reads this work, can improve their physical condition and mental-emotional health and, of course, can help their loved ones to do so.



"The sun, with all the planets revolving around it and depending on it, can still bake a bunch of grapes, as if they had nothing else to do in the universe!"
Galileo Galilei


In my childhood, I often heard words that claimed that there would be people on Earth with superhuman powers. When hearing of these words spoken by adults, there was a commotion among us, the children, and in those moments, an indefinite thrill was taking place. In such situations I remained for a moment suspended in a state of profound wonder and asked myself what this might be like, how can a man have powers that exceeds his powers of an ordinary man? But, as I said, it only happened for a moment, then I continued to play and my thoughts flew at the images of the heroes of my childhood. In the country where I was born, my generation and not only (the generations around the seventies of the last century), being very widowed by information and products from the 'fantasy' category of artistic creation, lived their childhood, regarding the superheroes attachment, around two central characters: Superman and Spiderman.
It was hard to suppose that there could be other persons besides these two that owned superhuman powers. Fair enough, I knew fairy tales and local legends, I knew about fairies, dwarfs, and seven-headed dragons, but I only perceived them as fantasies of old-fashioned grandparents, characters from stories only good for putting children to bed. I watched the movies made in those years with the two superheroes and everything seemed so real that in my mind it could easily be born even the idea of ​​calling them for help in case of need. Superman came from Krypton and had all the power generated by the crystals on his home planet. He flew at super-light speeds around the Earth and, spinning it in the opposite direction, managed to turn back time to save his earthly lover and thus extended her life. But he could do it because he came from another galaxy.
Spiderman acquired force by being stung by a genetically modified spider in a laboratory experiment. Almost all the children in the neighbourhood would have been very happy at that time to be stung by such a spider. We also would have wanted to easily climb the walls, fly on non-woven threads, and in case of emergency, to fall flat on a spider's web specially designed for rescue. I often ask these superhero friends to help us out at school, to help us get through the sporting challenges, or even to make the teachers to be late for class and no longer find their way to the classroom. It was clear as daylight: except for the two of them, no one else could have any other superhuman powers, however, not so great as to be considered superheroes!
As during my childhood there were not all the attractions that the present generations have, all that play meant was built and embroidered around our imagination. Almost every collective game started with the sentence: 'let's suppose you are this character...and I was the hero in question...and we said that we went to a certain place. In this way we created different worlds with each game round, not knowing then that this whole process will develop one of the most important tools used to change reality: the imagination. As you will see, imagination plays an essential role in attracting and then in the practical use of the magical healing rays.


After we will have built an imaginative force capable of activating instantly whenever it is needed, we will call on another element, another factor with a major role in attracting and using the magical healing rays. We are talking now about mental intention. The intention is at the forefront of any project we propose. Whatever the field in which we operate, the intention is the engine that moves things forward. Let us now consider a project from the known reality, whether it is a project with a direct manifestation in the concrete plane or a purely spiritual one. We will always say: my intention is to change my job; my intention is to attend a personal development seminar; my intention is to build a house by the sea or my intention is to contribute to the improvement of public health services. So you realize that, in any of the situations you could list, the intention is strictly related to a dream, an image that you have created about yourself or the world, about a reality as you wish it. It is about those dreams that appear, which are born when we have our eyes open, although there are not so few cases in which people have changed reality or have managed to build another starting from oneiric passages arising during their sleep. You have certainly read or heard about people who have been interviewed about their success in various fields.
Almost all of these people began their response by saying: “I had a dream”; “I dreamed of a better world”; “I dreamed that we would live in a more beautiful, cleaner world”; “I dreamed that I was the winner of that sporting competition”; “I dreamed that I would be a successful therapist” or ‘I dreamed that I was running a restaurant chain”. This is the moment when the intention is instantly added to the dream that was just born. From here, only the intention will make the dream find the resources necessary for its manifestation in the concrete reality, and its owner can say happily: “I saw my dream with my eyes!”


The solar plexus is the energy center that can resemble the working woman, the caring mother who does not spare any effort when it comes to family health, balance and happiness. It is the ”'being” from within who works tirelessly to support all the “projects” generated by the brain, the energy structure resembling the man in the house, the one who gives opinions and develops larger and larger projects, projects based strictly on analytical and systemic thinking. You have heard how it is said in certain situations: “Behind a successful man is a strong woman”. I also remember what is the priest says in the Christian-Orthodox or Catholic church's marriage reunion: “It is not good for the man (male) to live alone on Earth, let's make him the right help (the woman)”. Surely, this passage of the religious service of marriage has vast and extremely profound theological explanations.
Far from me the thought of stepping in some way over the territory already crossed by theological, theosophical or philosophical insertions of all kinds. But, as that passage I mentioned is part of Genesis (The Book of Making in the Judeo-Christian Bible), I can only point the idea of ​​perfect union, that lived in the mind of the divinity when it created the human being. It was necessary for the two principles, masculine and feminine, to work together in unity and resonance to avoid self-destruction and chaos. The brain and the solar plexus, as complementary energy structures, are in reality, the man and woman who must unite their divine powers so as to lead the whole system to harmony and understanding. In reality, we often enter completely unprepared into relationships, we experience disharmonious states, and make decisions that lead to difficult to repair outcomes, often with repercussions on our entire lives.
I have the belief that true marriage should first occur in ourselves, through the union of the two energy structures (brain and solar plexus) and only then can we make the step towards a relationship with another person, with another spiritual entity on that we recognize as being, in its turn, a being united in the two principles and thus, the real relationship, between man and woman, to be one under equal, harmonious, constructive ratios, based on total, unconditional love.
The solar plexus is also called the “abdominal brain”, although I prefer the term “solar mind”. Directly related to the Sun, the solar plexus is the center and essence of human life, representing at micro level exactly what the Sun is for our entire galaxy. Moreover, the solar plexus is at the “technical desk” of the orchestra, conducting with extreme finesse and proficiency all the functions of the physical body, everything being dependent on it, such as breathing, elimination, nutrition, growth, circulation, reproduction. According to anatomical studies, the solar plexus (or celeriac plexus) represents the most important abdominal nerve plexus and also being neuro-vegetative. It consists of the celeriac, aortic-renal and superficial mesenteric, at which the pneumo-gastric nerves, the innervations of the abdominal viscera, the small splanchnic nerve and the large splanchnic nerve.
Because it is 'sheltered' under the dome of the solar plexus, the pancreas has been associated, in the esoteric literature, even with the solar plexus. It is not irrelevant to remember that the pancreas is, however, the main sugar supplier for the brain, a fact which again attests to the care that the solar plexus gives to “the most uncaring child of the family”.
The solar plexus consists of a multitude of vegetative nerve threads (fibbers) that spreads in all directions, like the sun's rays and lymph ganglion positioned in front of the aorta, at the level of the stomach, at the height of the dorsal spine. In its center it radiates, like the sun, the celeriac ganglion, the ganglion that represents the basis of the autonomic nervous system, with the function of balanced distribution of subtle energies throughout the body, up to the level of each cell, through its nervous network and the chain of sympathetic ganglia. In other words, the vital force is distributed from the solar plexus to the whole physical body, so that, the latter enjoys balance and an optimal state of health. The higher the vibration of the solar plexus, the more physically and emotionally a person experiences well-being. If these vibrations in the plexus area decrease, dysfunctions appear that lead sooner or later to various conditions, and if the vibration decreases to zero, the activity of the physical body ceases, and death occurs.
I believe it is enough to realize the importance that the solar plexus has for life, as it is easy to imagine the role that the Sun plays in the life of our galaxy. Maybe what I called the 'Sphere of Total Unity' in which I had the fantastic chance to enter and understand the magical healing rays, is nothing more than the “Universal Solar Plexus” in the center of which this imposing universal ganglion radiates : the Sun!
Perhaps the ribbons of light and energy from which we collect our magical healing rays that we now know how to use for our benefit and our loved ones, are in fact the huge nerve fibers of this universal solar Plexus in which we bathe together which was created in the same time with the Universe.
I am convinced that each personal solar plexus is in direct relation with the Sun and the whole Universe and I believe that, in a not too distant time, we will have the chance to understand much more of our growth possibilities according to the love and the divine plan of the evolution of our species, still being now at kindergarten level.
I strongly believe that Hermes the Trismegistus referred to this mental solar when formulating the first hermetic law we know today through the work “Kybalion”: “Everything is spirit, the Universe is mental!” There is no possibility he would refer to the Cartesian rational mind, but to a mental in direct connection with the Sun and the entire Universe!


When the physical body suffers, it is clear that certain dysfunctions have occurred, certain restrictions that have led to blockages settled on one level of the physical body or even on several levels associated with each other. In our capacity as healers, in the service of magical rays, in such a situation, we must be sure that we identify these blockages and release them, so that the anatomical structures can perform optimally the functions for which they were created. Physical pain can occur (and most often this is the case) as a result of blockages installed in a completely different area than the one where the pain itself was installed.
How the imprint of the magic ray in the body feels and especially why this imprint is different from one person to another, are questions that will be answered once the majority of us will practice these techniques and we will understand at a much superior level the effects of this magical gift.
During the treatment sessions, some patients told me that they feel a cold wind that swirls over the surface and then runs through their entire body (a very pleasant sensation, as these patients confessed to me, especially during the summer, on hot days...the presence of any air conditioner generator was not necessary, the wind created by the healing rays being much more intense and not at all harmful!). Others had the feeling that “'something was going through their body”, others were experiencing tingling in various areas of the body, whether I “operated” with the rays in those areas or others, having a certain distance. In some situations slight pain occurred or to say it better, a slight discomfort that passed shortly.
All the patients who have had such sensations told me that in the past, in those areas of the body they localized dysfunctions and that, at that time, they treated them medically or by alternative therapeutic techniques. Whether it was an internal organ that had been affected in the past, or that the feeling of discomfort appeared in the bone structures that had long been fractured and then welded, I realized in time, that the healing rays were once again trying to restores these structures to the optimal anatomical position, as a kind of assurance that everything that has been affected in the past is now in balance and that the treatment can continue to be carried out in perfect conditions.
All the sensations offered by the magical healing rays are beneficial for us and our patients, after all, having the role of transmitting in the consciousness of those involved that the treatment is working, that everything put in its natural order.
Three years ago, I had an alternative therapies office on the second floor of a building in an intensely circulated area of ​​the city, so that, being located 'in the step' of all pedestrians who spent hours in a row shopping in that area, on certain days, I was visited without prior appointment by people who entered my office. I remember how, on such a day, an unannounced, respectable lady came into my office, and she was extremely determined and firm in her desire to find out what therapy do I practice and what can be helpful to her. She measured me from head to toe and then, with the air of an all-knowingly person, told me that she is “very versatile” on alternative therapy offices and that she knows “everything that moves through the city”. She had tried all kinds of massages, already visited all the alternative therapy offices and those of the physiotherapists in the city. From my point of view it was very clear: I had in front of me that kind of person for whom nothing seems to be good enough, who has higher expectations than her level of understanding, the kind who you have to prove and especially to explain that what you do can have the effect of ending suffering, although she acknowledges and keeps affirming from the first minutes of the meeting, that something like this does not exist and will never exist, and you cannot be the one to promote any novelty in this regard.
Such people, together with those who come to alternative treatments being completely out of faith, but still offering themselves a last chance for healing, after dozens of failures and disappointments, (obviously associated with lots of money lost in vain), represents for us the most beautiful challenges. We are not deprived of hearing these words: “let's see what you can do, as long as many others have failed”. It is obvious that in these cases only unilateral methods have been tried, techniques that only consider the patient from a technical point of view. Instead of caring to cultivate in people confidence in self-healing power and stimulation of latent resources, some therapists also shake off the last fog of hope and confidence in the therapies they practice. Not to mention the extremely procedural narrowness of the approached angle. We must, however, show deep gratitude for the areas where conventional medicine has made huge breakthroughs: the aortic valve is changed by minimally invasive surgery, the bladder could be created from the intestines, surgery is performed on the brain with exceptional results, just to name a few of the results of medical research and joint efforts in the field of conventional medicine. However, the eradication of the helicobacter pylori has not been successful, it is extremely difficult to get rid of nail fungus and to cure the incarnate nail permanently without surgery. Back pain is present in about 90% of the world's population. However, the only proposal of conventional medicine, as opposed to disc herniation, is the administration of anti-inflammatory and analgesic substances, following infiltration and finally surgery, although in many cases, the disease recurs within a maximum of ten years after the respective surgery. The hip joint repair has not yet been successful, so those suffering from severe coxarthrosis go through periods of pain and insomnia, until they decide to undergo a harsh prosthetic surgery. There are still fundamental errors, there are still areas left behind, entire sectors that have not evolved, which have not found solutions to the physical or emotional challenges until now. Thank heaven for doing so that, throughout history, we have evidence that it can be resolved also in another way! Humanity has treated itself in the most natural way possible millennial by millennial, in a row, while conventional medicine is still, under this report, an extremely young entity! Conventional medicine, together with complementary and alternative medicine should unite their experiences and knowledge and strive to optimize the human species and to elevate it to its fundamental condition, that of a species characterized by the harmony between mind, body and spirit.
It was necessary for the Universe to “give birth” to people like John Thomas Grinder and Richard Wayne Bandler (the founding fathers of neuro-linguistic programming) in order to have an understanding of how our lives can be cleansed by limiting beliefs and emotional trauma. When my wife started working in our coaching and alternative therapies office, after completing her master degree in neuro-linguistic programming techniques, the positive results multiplied visibly. For a while I followed the techniques she applied to those who came to our office. To any uninformed mind, some of these techniques looked like real kindergarten games, intended for toddlers who are learning for the first time to socialize and use their innate skills. As hilarious as it may sound, I remembered the words of my friend Jesus from Galilee on these techniques: “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these”. I strongly believe that our beloved friend of two thousand years ago referred to, among other things, to this aspect: The Kingdom of Heaven could be resembled to a perfect play space, in which we have no place in being as long as our shoulders are burdened with problems, trauma and worries. I also think that, like that place, our planet must also become a real playground where we can complete our calling! We had to have doctors like Dr. Roger Callahan (1925-2013, founder of TFT - Thought field therapy) to benefit from effective alternative techniques for emotional release.
While headache and back pain pervade the world, and conventional medicine looks at this powerless, the plea of ​​doctors had to be invented such as Andrew Taylor Still (1828-1917, the founder of cranial osteopathy), William Garner Sutherland (1873-1954, the father of modern osteopathy), and John Upledger (1932-2012, the founder of craniosacral therapy), to have the joy of understanding how the nervous system works, what the craniosacral pulse means and to use complementary techniques of cranial osteopathy and craniosacral therapy to remove the restrictions from the tissue and intracranial membranous system. We have already, for almost one hundred years, Reiki, this spiritual-therapeutic art, thanks to the divine revelation of the Japanese Mikao Usui (1865-1926), a therapy that we often use with great success in treating pain and restoring an optimal energy flow through the body. Here we are now aware of this magical gift of healing rays, we managed to soften and often definitively treat the migraines. In many situations, we have helped the “miraculous” healing of the disc hernia, sometimes even a day before the patient is scheduled for surgery. We are very close to the day when we will be able to block the development of hip-osteoarthritis and maybe, in the not too distant time, we will be able to cure this disease. However, there have already been situations when we managed to stop the evolution when we “caught it”' in the beginning phase. Why did we manage to do all this and especially how we did it?
We already understand much of what happens on the energy path of healing rays when they cross the body, but what happens at the end of the treatment, those “miraculous” effects, we do not yet explain at the scientific level and this does not detract at all from the positive results we had! What is sure is that we realized the exceptional force of self-healing that lies latent in each of us and how free and benevolent it can become when the healing rays unleash it!
But, let's get back to the respectable lady who was just visited my office. I asked the lady what bothered her, in other words, I tried to make her tell me what the purpose of her visit was. She replied with a challenge: “you tell me what problems I have!”
Although I feel very good in my hands the areas of the body that have dysfunctions or rather major energy discharges, I did not intend to give her satisfaction in that moment and I invited her to sit on the massage table, by lying on her back. I began to make movements with my palms, generating healing rays at a distance of about twenty centimeters above the body. Slow movements, rays directed to the head area, then to the chest and arms, then to the abdominal area and to the legs. After a few minutes the lady began to shake her legs and arms, all of which took about ten to fifteen seconds. In the minutes that followed, the woman raised her head slightly, touching her chest with her chin, wondering what was going on, why is ”something” moving through her body? I told her that there were natural reactions and I assured her that all of this is part of what we call the “healing crisis”, an effect of the fact that the whole anatomical structures are back in operation and that the liquids that have been obstructed are again in their natural flow. However, something was going through her stomach and intestines, she told me. “It seems like small dwarfs running through my interior.
I think you're a can I feel something like this when you didn't even touch me and do all kinds of movements with your palms above my's as if you created a kind of cool cloud from which rays come that determine the dwarfs from the inside to move in all directions in which I have health problems...seriously, who are the dwarfs that I feel in my body, with what kind of entities do you work with, how do they know what to do?”
I realized that she needs an explanation from outside the conventional therapeutic space, for which I encouraged her imagination and I answered: they are the seven dwarfs, and in that cool “cloud” is Snow-White that tells the dwarfs what to do and where to go, to repair what is damaged! The woman smiled contentedly. I continued to send her rays and cleanse her energy field of impurities, then I did a general relaxation treatment using a ray’s cloth that I applied to all areas of the body where the main endocrine glands are located. The woman relaxed so much that at the end of the treatment she fell asleep for ten minutes. When she woke up she told me that she didn't have such a relaxing sleep for a long time. One could actually read happiness on her face. She got up from the massage table and went home cheerfully.
As lunch break was coming, my wife was just going up the stairs to the office, at the same time as the lady was coming out. When they met, the woman who had just been to the treatment asked my wife, 'Lady...I apologize for asking chance, are you going to the therapy room upstairs?' As Ioana confirmed this, the woman continued: “you must know that the gentleman who is doing therapy there is a magician, but don't be afraid, he is a very good magician!” My wife asked: "How so? Why do you believe he is a magician?", then the woman replied: "He works with Snow-White!”

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The magical healing rays, chapter 1 & 2 The magical healing rays Chapter 1 & 2 HORAȚIU FLAVIU THE MAGICAL HEALING RAYS “The ...